
The InnoMuNiCH Cooperation Platform

InnoMuNiCH –Innovations through Munich-Nippon Cooperation in Healthcare

Aim of the Cooperation Platform

  • Accelerating innovation in the field of biomedicine by initiating and accelerating bi-national cooperations between Germany and Japan.
  • Connecting relevant specialists through a broad and strong network provided by each Committee member.
  • Once a cooperation opportunity is submitted to the Platform, Committee members can evaluate, further distribute and share this project idea with relevant specialists from their networks in order to identify R&D collaborators or business partners.
  • Time and effort to establish contact to the right partner can thus be remarkably shortened, and cooperation between both countries will be promoted – strengthening the leading position of Japan and Germany in the global healthcare value chain.
  • As a result of this bi-national cooperation, IP will be created to the benefit of both countries, country-market specific innovations will be accelerated, and Platform Committee members will have first access to breakthrough technologies.
  • The Platform consists of an e-mail group of carefully selected Committee members, who can join the Platform on invitation only. Platform Committee members activities are volunteer-based and membership is free of charge.
  • The Platform consists of an Honorary President (Prof. Winnacker), a Chairman Germany (Prof. Horst Domdey, BioM), a Chairman Japan (Dr. Kouichi Akahane), and a core group of specialists, representing a larger network of relevant players and decision makers in the biopharmaceutical health sector.
  • The Platform was launched in June 2018.

If you wish to submit a cooperation project to the Committee, please fill out the project application form and send it to Dr. Stephanie Wehnelt, The project can be submitted by a German or a Japanese partner from industry or research, looking for a cooperation partner in the other country.


Platform Committee Members


  • Prof. Dr. Ernst-Ludwig Winnacker, former Secretary General of the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) and Secretary General of the European Research Council (ERC),
    Honorary President of the InnoMuNiCH Cooperation Platform


  • Prof. Dr. Horst Domdey, CEO, BioM Biotech Cluster Development,
    Chairman Germany of the InnoMuNiCH Cooperation Platform
  • Prof. Dr. Uwe Bücheler, Senior Vice President Biopharmaceuticals Operations, Boehringer Ingelheim Biopharmaceuticals GmbH
  • Dr. Markus Enzelberger, Senior Vice President, Morphosys
  • Dr. Jörn-Peter Halle, Vice President, Merck
  • Dr. Berthold Hinzen, VP and Head Business Development & Licensing General Medicine, Bayer
  • Dieter Lingelbach, COO, Sirion Biotech
  • Dr. Frank Mathias, CEO, Rentschler Biopharma
  • Prof. Dr. Rolf Schmid, Director, Bio4Business
  • Dr. Garwin Pichler, CEO, Preomics
  • Prof. Dr. Heike Andrea Wieland, External Affairs, Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland


  • Dr. Koichi Akahane, Executive Officer and Vice President of Oncology Function, Daiichi-Sankyo
    Chairman Japan of the InnoMuNiCH Cooperation Platform
  • Prof. Dr. Takashi Asada, Lab. of Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Department of Regeneration Science and Engineering, Kyoto University
  • Prof. Dr. Kazunori Kataoka, Director General, Innovation Center of Nanomedicine
  • Dr. Christian Geltinger, Representative, The Bavarian Representative in Japan
  • Prof. Dr. Hiromichi Kimura, Visiting Professor, Pharmaco-Business Innovation, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo
  • Prof. Hiroshi Nagano, Visiting Fellow, Center for Research and Development Strategy, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), AAAS Fellow
  • Ryuta Nomura, CEO, Chairman of the Board, Central Institute of Experimental Medicine

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