
Netzwerktreffen, Seminare, Konferenzen und mehr von BioM

- Booked out! - Biotech & Pharma Career Day 2024 - job opportunities in Munich

Un­for­tu­na­te­ly, re­gis­tra­ti­on is now clo­sed as we are fully boo­ked! Thank you for your in­te­rest! Join us for our care­er…

m4 Award - Informationsveranstaltung Stufe I

Das er­folg­rei­che baye­ri­sche Vor­grün­dungs-För­der­pro­gramm „m4 Award – Pre-Seed-Wett­be­werb für die Me­di­zin der Zu­kunft“ geht…

BioM Seminar: AI for Innovations in Life Sciences - Chances and Challenges

Do you want to dis­cuss the la­test de­ve­lop­ments, ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons, chan­ces and chal­len­ges with a focus on in­tel­lec­tu­al…

BioM & AbbVie Biotech Partnering Day

Join us for the BioM and Ab­bVie Bio­tech Part­ne­ring Day in Mu­nich on Thurs­day, 17 Oc­to­ber 2024BioM in­vi­tes you to meet ex­perts of…

Business Development Stammtisch – BD Networking #3

Netz­werk­­ver­­an­­stal­tung für Bu­­si­­ness De­­ve­lop­­ment Ma­na­­ger in Bio­tech und Phar­­ma für alle in­ter­es­sier­ten Per­so­nen.

BIO-Europe 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden: Meet us at the German Pavilion! Save your 15% BioM discount!

BIO-Eu­ro­pe 2024: Meet us at the Ger­man Pa­vi­li­on!This fall, BIO-Eu­ro­pe re­turns for an en­ri­ching face-to-face ex­pe­ri­ence, and…

DigiMed Bayern Symposium 2024: Big data from patients – relevant to understand, prevent, and cure disease?

Di­giMed Bay­ern Sym­po­si­um 20246. No­vem­ber, Mün­chen, Trans­laTUM Kli­ni­ki­um rechts der Isar (Map)Wel­co­me to the Di­giMed Bay­ern…

“From Science to Start-up" - BioM on Tour in Erlangen

Up­da­te: new date!Maybe at some point you have made an im­port­ant dis­co­ve­ry du­ring fun­da­men­tal re­se­arch where you thought that…

BioM-Praxiskurs Grundlagen der Fermentation 2025

In Zu­sam­men­ar­beit mit der Hoch­schu­le Wei­hen­ste­phan-Tries­dorf fin­det der Pra­xis­kurs "Grund­la­gen der Fer­men­ta­ti­on" am 24.…




externe Termine

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08.10.2024, 08:00

EventX Life Sciences Cross­roads in he­al­th­care


Allgemeine Info

08.10.2024, 11:00

Cor­ti­cal cir­cuits for spa­ti­al na­vi­ga­ti­on


Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Intelligenz

09.10.2024, 08:00

BioRN An­nu­al Con­fe­rence 2024


Allgemeine Info

10.10.2024, 08:00

Bio­tech Austria Sum­mit


Allgemeine Info

Termine eintragen

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Dr. Andreas Berghammer
Dr. Andreas Berghammer

Community Service Lead

Melanie Greitl
Melanie Greitl

Community Service & Event Manager