Martin­sried-based start-up SciRhom has raised €63 mil­lion in a Ser­ies A fin­an­cing round to ad­vance its iRhom2-tar­geted an­ti­body…
Elec­tro­chaea GmbH from Planegg/München will be in­volved in feas­ib­il­ity study of a pro­ject aimed at pro­du­cing 3rd gen­er­a­tion…
Treffen Diagnostiknetzwerk Bayern am 22.07.2024
BioM Crashkurs Biotechnologie 2024
Biotech & Pharma Career Day 2024 - job opportunities in Munich
“From Science to Start-up" - BioM on Tour in Erlangen
BioM & AbbVie Biotech Partnering Day
BIO-Europe 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden: Meet us at the German Pavilion!
DigiMed Bayern Symposium 2024: Big data from patients – relevant to understand, prevent, and cure disease?


Bavarian lighthouse project for digitization

Dialog between Politics and the Pharmaceutical Industry

Genome sequencing project for rare diseases

Internationalization Support

Bavarian lighthouse project for digitization Bild
Dialog between Politics and the Pharmaceutical Industry Bild
Genome sequencing project for rare diseases Bild
Internationalization Support Bild

The BioM company database includes all biotechnology stakeholders in Bavaria: biotechnology companies, service providers, suppliers, consultants, investors and many more.

Please contact us if you would like to include your company in the BioM company database.
