
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

Japanese health care and pharma industry

Op­por­tun­it­ies for Ger­man life sci­ence SMEs

MorphoSys Antibody Reaches Major Milestone in Collaboration with Roche

Alzheimer Antibody Gantener­u­mab Clin­ic­al Trial Ex­pan­ded to Pivotal Phase 2/3 Study

Infoveranstaltung: Förderinstrumente für KMU

EU-Forschungs­för­der­ung in den Lebenswis­senschaften

Bavarian Biotechnology is doing very well

Just pub­lished: the Year-2011-sur­vey of the Bav­ari­an Bi­o­tech­nolgy In­dustry re­veals good pro­gress in em­ploy­ment, pipeline and…

m⁴ eAcademy visits m⁴ Seminar

Re­cord­ing of the talks by Prof. Friess, MRI and Dr. Simon, Agen­dia

Symposium "Knowledge Management in Personalized Medicine", Mai 3rd

m4-Part­ner Bio­max in­vites ex­perts from the Mu­nich Bi­otech Cluster m4 as well as na­tion­al and European sci­ent­ists

Myriad Genetics Opens Molecular Diagnostic Testing Lab in Munich, Germany

3rd US-Bi­otech Com­pany com­ing to Martin­sried with­in the last 15 month.

Biotechnology trade mission to China

BioM & Bay­ern In­ter­na­tion­al, Mai 20th-26th, 2012

Minimal invasive gene diagnostic: Exosome Diagnostics receives m⁴ funding

Spe­cial­ist in mo­lecu­lar dia­gnost­ic test for per­son­al­ised medi­cine starts m⁴ co­oper­a­tion pro­ject with Prof. Berking (LMU) to…

Munich Gene Centre: HHblits: Lightning-fast iterative protein sequence searching

Faster and more ac­cur­ate: a newly de­veloped align­ment-tech­no­logy out­per­form­ing cur­rent stand­ard. Pub­lished in Nature Meth­ods,…





Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Lein­en los: Mit in­nov­at­iver Ther­apie die Autoim­mu­nerkrankung hinter sich lassen


Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Mit Licht gegen Krebs

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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager