
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

Microcoat turns 30: From kitchen to innovative company

The bi­o­tech­no­logy com­pany Mi­cro­coat, based in Bernried at the Star­n­berg See, cel­eb­rates its 30th an­niversary.

Only until Oct 27: exclusive 50% BioM discount for BioFIT 2022

BioM is pleased to offer its net­work an ex­clus­ive 50% dis­count for BioFIT 2022 - on Novem­ber, 29th / 30th 2022 in-per­son in…

FORUM Science & Health Livestream #8: "Vaccination via the nose - Do new hopefules bring sterile immunity?"

"Vac­cin­a­tion via the nose - Do new hope­fules bring sterile im­munity?" is the title of the eighth epis­ode from the FORUM Science &…

CEPI receives another 100 million euros BMBF funding

The Ger­man Feder­al Min­istry of Edu­ca­tion and Re­search (BMBF) will sup­port the in­ter­na­tion­al ini­ti­at­ive "Co­ali­tion for…

adivo: EUR 2.5 million EU funding for therapies against inflammatory bowel disease in companion animals

Martin­sried-based adivo GmbH has been awar­ded a €2.5 mil­lion European In­nov­a­tion Coun­cil (EIC) Ac­cel­er­at­or Grant to sup­port its…

BIO International Convention 2023 in the USA - book your place on the German joint booth now!

In the sum­mer of 2023, the BIO In­ter­na­tion­al Con­ven­tion will again be held as an on-site event (status Octo­ber 2022) in Bo­ston,…

BMBF supports the research of innovative antibiotics with another 50 million euros

The Ger­man Feder­al Min­istry of Edu­ca­tion and Re­search (BMBF) is sup­port­ing the non-profit ini­ti­at­ive 'Glob­al Anti­bi­ot­ic…

Prof. Clemens Wendtner receives Bavarian Order of Merit for commitment against COVID-19

Prof. Cle­mens Wendtner re­ceives the Bav­ari­an Order of Merit for his ded­ic­a­tion in the fight against COVID-19 from Bav­ari­an…

Dr. Camilla Rothe honored with Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany

For her re­search in the con­text of the Corona pan­dem­ic, the phys­i­cian Dr. Ca­milla Rothe from the Trop­ic­al In­sti­tute of the LMU…

FGK celebrates its 20th anniversary

On Octo­ber 13, the FGK event "20 years FGK" took place in Mu­nich. At the his­tor­ic Nock­her­berg loc­a­tion, the Mu­nich-based…





vfa bio Biotechnologie im Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller e.V.

vfa fordert solide Fin­an­zier­ung der Kranken­kassen


Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Die Schup­pen­flechte im Vis­i­er


vfa bio Biotechnologie im Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller e.V.

Chemie-No­bel­pre­is 2024: Pharmaun­terneh­men nutzen Pro­tein­vorhersage und -design für neue Medika­mente


vfa bio Biotechnologie im Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller e.V.

Fach­kräfte­m­an­gel in der Phar­main­dus­trie – vfa und IGBCE fordern polit­ische Maß­nah­men

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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager