
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

Early warning system

Re­search­ers from the Helm­holtz Zen­trum München de­scribe for the first time bio­mark­ers for pre dia­betes

Learn from the systems biology

Clueda AG foun­ded as a spin-off of Helm­holtz Zen­trum München

Gateway to Asia

Aus­trali­en trade com­mis­sion of­fers busi­ness lunch with a focus on neur­os­cience

Bavarian biotechnology visits Japan

16 Bav­ari­an bi­otech com­pan­ies are par­ti­cip­at­ing in the trade mis­sion

4SC announces compelling data for anti-cancer agent Resminostat

Res­ults of the phase II study of Soraf­en­ib/Re­sminostat com­bin­a­tion ther­apy in ad­vanced liver can­cer

High expectations at MorphoSys

Two stud­ies un­der­line the im­port­ance of tar­get mo­lecule of the drug can­did­ate against rheum­at­oid arth­rit­is

Impressive pipeline for personalized medicine

Roche presents its de­vel­op­ment pipeline and com­mits it­self to Per­son­al­ized Medi­cine

MorphoSys attracts investors from the US

After Mark Lampert now also Mor­gan Stan­ley in­vests in Mu­nich's bi­otech local hero

Investors trust WILEX

Com­bined cap­it­al in­crease suc­cess­fully com­pleted totalling EUR 23.9 mil­lion

Registration is opened

Pre­lim­in­ary pro­gramme of the 2nd Mu­nich Bio­mark­er Con­fer­ence, Novem­ber 22nd-23rd





Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

FAU: „OPs, die das Leben von der er­sten Minute an ver­ändern“


Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Intelligenz

Maude Bald­win joins as new dir­ect­or


vfa bio Biotechnologie im Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller e.V.

Ver­schiebung glob­aler In­vesti­tion­stätigkeit: USA und China stechen Deutsch­land und Europa aus


Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Intelligenz

Ner­ven­zel­len gegen den Ap­pet­it


Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Forts­ch­ritte in der Med­iz­in – Pro­jekte der FAU er­hal­ten För­der­ung


vfa bio Biotechnologie im Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller e.V.

Sch­wung für Arzneimit­telforschung

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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager