
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

Munich´s SIRION Biotech Plans Opening of a New Office in the Boston Area

SIRION Bi­otech, a lead­ing viral vec­tor plat­form com­pany known for cre­at­ing high qual­ity viral vec­tor solu­tions for in­dustry and…

Meet Bavarian Biotech expertise at BIO USA in Philadelphia

Bav­aria wel­comes you at the Ger­man Pavil­lion!

Meet Bavarian Biotech at BIO USA in Philadelphia

Morphosys, Cori­ol­is, Iris Bi­otech, Wack­er ... to name a few will ex­hib­it and can be found at the Bav­ari­an Corner in the Ger­man…

1st online course @m4 eAcademy

"Managing In­nov­a­tion, Port­fo­li­os and Pro­jects in the Life Sciences" start­ing July 1st

Update Gentechnikrecht

Auf­frischung­skurs für Betreiber, Pro­jektleit­er und Beau­ftragte für die Bi­olo­gis­che Sich­er­heit. Mit dem Sch­wer­punkt­thema: Rechte…

US Juno Therapeutics acquires German Stage Cell Therapeutics in an $80M biotech buyout

Sub­sid­ar­ies in Mu­nich and Göt­tin­gen (both Ger­many) will be fur­ther op­er­at­ing.

Dynamic Biosensors winner of German Innovation Award 2015

All good things come in threes.

BioVaria showcases top european innovations in Dx and Thx 11th of May in Munich

On 11 May 2015, deal­makers and in­vestors from the in­ter­na­tion­al bio­phar­ma­ceut­ic­al in­dustry will come to­geth­er in Mu­nich to…

2nd Immunotherapy of Cancer Conference itoc-2 in Munich

The second ITOC (Im­mun­o­ther­apy of Can­cer) Con­gress took place at the premises of Klinikum rechts der Isar der Tech­nis­chen…

Medigen´s T cell receptor technology highlighted in Nature Biotechnology

The pos­it­ive re­search res­ults presen­ted show an im­port­ant sci­entif­ic found­a­tion for the clin­ic­al de­vel­op­ment of the…




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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager