
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

EU selects Smart4Diagnostics as one of the most innovative companies in Europe

With­in the new call of the EIC-Ac­cel­er­at­or (SME In­stru­ment), Mu­nich-based Smart4Dia­gnostics GmbH has achieved third place among…

Munich successful at the EIT Health Headstart Awards

Four teams from Mu­nich win the EIT Health Head­start Awards. The awards are part of EIT Health's fund­ing pro­grams that sup­port…

Innovation Days Winners’ Event 2019: place 7 for Munich team

On 1st Decem­ber the EIT Health In­nov­a­tion Days Win­ners' Event 2019 took place in Paris. The win­ner team of the i-Day at BioM achieved…

Eisbach Bio is BIO-Europe 2019's Startup Slam Winner

Eis­bach Bio is the win­ner of the BIO-Europe 2019 Star­tup Slam in Ham­burg. The Mu­nich-based start-up is de­vel­op­ing novel medi­cines…

Innovative ideas against neurological diseases - EIT Health Innovation Day 2019 at BioM

The yearly EIT Health In­nov­a­tion Day took place at BioM in Martin­sried/Mu­nich on Novem­ber 8th. Stu­dents, postdocs and young…

BioVaria 2020 in Munich: Application deadline for Startup Pitch & Partner: 14 February

European start-ups (pre- and post seed) and en­tre­pren­eurs from all life sci­ence sec­tors (phar­ma­ceut­ic­als, dia­gnostics, medtech and…

Pieris in Freising collects 32 mio $ from private investment companies

By is­su­ing war­rants on shares, the Ger­man-Amer­ic­an com­pany Pier­is Phar­ma­ceut­ic­als (spin-off of the Tech­nic­al University of…

WTC San Diego visits the Munich Biotech Cluster

Dur­ing a del­eg­a­tion trip of sev­er­al days to Frank­furt and Mu­nich, the World Trade Center San Diego vis­ited the Mu­nich Bi­otech…

Startup Creasphere by Roche, Sanofi and Plug&Play launched 3rd batch in Munich

All eyes are on Star­tup Creas­phere in Mu­nich 22nd of Octo­ber, as kick off of Batch 3 health pro­gram in part­ner­ship with Roche and…

BioEntrepreneurship Summit 2019: “Just do it”

The BioEn­tre­pren­eur­ship Sum­mit 2019 took place in Mu­nich on Octo­ber 15/16, bring­ing to­geth­er all rel­ev­ant stake­hold­ers of the…




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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager