
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

Free consulting and networking for projects in developing and emerging countries

Do you want to com­mit to new mar­kets in a sus­tain­able way or are already act­ively in­volved? As a cent­ral point-of-con­tact, the…

Needs Assessment: Services and Support for your China Projects

To all cluster mem­bers in­ter­ested in ini­ti­at­ing and im­prov­ing their busi­ness re­la­tion­ships and mar­ket ac­cess in China: …

Bio-Techne closes Exosome Diagnostics site at IZB

Bio-Techne had bought Exo­some in 2018 for up to $575 mil­lion. Now the start-up, which of­fers non-in­vas­ive tests for de­tect­ing tumor…

Bavaria supports the "Post-COVID Kids Bavaria" initiative

The "Post-COVID Kids Bav­aria" pro­ject aims to im­prove re­search into the late and long-term con­sequences of corona dis­ease in chil­dren…

Kurma Partners closes diagnostics fund with 83 million euros

Kurma Part­ners has reached over EUR 83 mil­lion with the clos­ing of its fund Kurma Dia­gnostics 2 (KDx2), ex­ceed­ing its init­al tar­get.…

SciRhom augments seed financing to reach total funding of 16 million euros

The Martin­sried-based com­pany SciRhom was able to in­crease its seed cap­it­al to a total of EUR 16 mil­lion in an­oth­er seed fin­an­cing…

Dermagnostix closes seven-digit seed round

The Fried­berg-based dia­gnostics start-up Der­magnostix suc­cess­fully com­pleted its seed round and raised a seven-digit sum. This is to…

"German-Chinese Working Group for the Promotion of the Health and Medical Industry" established

The "Ger­man-Chinese Work­ing Group for the Pro­mo­tion of the Health and Med­ic­al In­dustry" was foun­ded at MEDICA 2021. With this…

NanoTemper Technologies again "Innovator of the Year"

Nan­oTem­per Tech­no­lo­gies GmbH from Mu­nich has taken first place in the TOP 100 in­nov­a­tion com­pet­i­tion in size cat­egory B (51 to…

Opening up markets abroad as a start-up - new funding program in Bavaria

The Bav­ari­an Min­istry of Eco­nom­ic Af­fairs sup­ports tech­no­logy-ori­ented start-ups with a new 2.1 mil­lion euro fund­ing pro­gram to…




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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager