
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

USD 103,5 million for Immunic

Im­mu­nic Thera­peut­ics, based in Gräfelf­ing near Mu­nich, re­ceives US$ 103.5 mil­lion from a pub­lic of­fer­ing. The com­pany in­tends…

Success for MorphoSys

MorphoSys re­ceived US ap­prov­al for Mon­juvi for the treat­ment of dif­fuse large cell B-cell lymph­oma (DLBCL). In the fu­ture, the…

EUR 10,7 million for Tubulis from Munich

Tubulis has closed a Ser­ies A fin­an­cing round of EUR 10.7 mil­lion. The start-up in­tends to use the funds to ac­cel­er­ate the…

Virtual MedtecLIVE: MedTech community meets online for the first time

MedtecLIVE brings to­geth­er all the play­ers from the med­ic­al tech­no­logy sec­tor, from tra­di­tion­al sup­pli­ers to re­search groups,…

Corona Testing Station at IZB

From to­mor­row, 27 May 2020, there will be a corona test fa­cil­ity at IZB. There you will have the op­por­tun­ity to be eas­ily tested…

Global Cluster Partnering - Healthcare: BioM offers 60% discount

GCP-Health­care in­ter­na­tion­al - the on­line part­ner­ing for the life sci­ences in­dus­tries - will take place August 26-27, 2020. …

BioFIT 2020 Digital Event - BioM offers 10% discount

BioM is pleased to offer its net­work 10% dis­count for BioFIT Di­git­al Event on Decem­ber 7-10, or­gan­ized by Eur­as­anté. With the…

First Line IP Assistance Service for Latin America

The Latin Amer­ica IP SME Help­desk of­fers free of charge, first-line sup­port on In­tel­lec­tu­al Prop­erty and IP rights mat­ters to…

inveox supports Partners in Covid-19 Crisis

Med-Tech Com­pany in­ve­ox from Mu­nich send­ing SARS-COV-2 test kits, per­son­al pro­tect­ive equip­ment (PPE), and dis­in­fect­ants to…

EUREKA GlobalStars initiative for collaboration between EU and Japanese companies

Are you in­ter­ested in a new fund­ing op­por­tun­ity to sup­port col­lab­or­a­tion between EU and Japan­ese com­pan­ies in the…




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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager