
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

OmicEra Diagnostics accepted into EIT Health Gold Track Program

Om­icEra Dia­gnostics has been se­lec­ted for EIT Health's Gold Track pro­gram. The lead­ing ment­or­ing ini­ti­at­ive aims to sup­port the…

Two diagnostics start-ups among the winners of the 12th "Start?Zuschuss!" competition

The win­ners of the 12th com­pet­i­tion phase of the "Start?Zuschuss!" fund­ing pro­gram have been an­nounced. Two life sci­ence start-ups…

BioEntrepreneurship Summit 2021: “Biotechnology is more important than ever!”

Young founders, start-ups, com­pan­ies as well as in­vestors and ex­perts of the life sci­ence, bi­otech and health tech com­munity came…

m4 Award 2021: 2.5 million euros against widespread diseases and antibiotic resistances

The win­ners of the Bav­ari­an pre-found­ing com­pet­i­tion m4 Award 2021 have their fin­ger on the pulse with in­nov­at­ive bio­med­ic­al…

The European Metropolitan Region of Munich is an outstanding biotechnology and pharmaceutical location

The European Met­ro­pol­it­an Re­gion of Mu­nich (EMM) is one of the out­stand­ing loc­a­tions for the bi­o­tech­no­logy and…

Consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Bavarian companies

BioM con­duc­ted its second Bav­aria-wide com­pany sur­vey on the con­sequences of the coronavir­us pan­dem­ic on com­pan­ies in the…

Strüngmann brothers invest 25 million euros in Munich start-ups

Great news for the Mu­nich start-up scene: Un­ternehmer­TUM and the TUM Ven­ture Labs will be sup­por­ted by the en­tre­pren­eur broth­ers…

iOmx raises 65 million euros

Martin­sried-based iOmx Thera­peut­ics AG has closed a 65 mil­lion euros Ser­ies B fin­an­cing round. The fin­an­cing was led by Athos…

Dymium from Munich wins the BioRegions 2021 Innovation Award

At the start of the Ger­man Bi­o­tech­no­logy Days 2021 in Stut­tgart, the win­ners of this year's BioRe­gions In­nov­a­tion Award were…

Fraunhofer IKS invites Bavarian Pharmaceutical and Biotech companies for collaboration in quantum computing

The Fraunhofer In­sti­tute for Cog­nit­ive Sys­tems (Fraunhofer IKS) has re­cently won Bav­ari­an pro­ject tenders on the sub­ject of…





Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Lein­en los: Mit in­nov­at­iver Ther­apie die Autoim­mu­nerkrankung hinter sich lassen


Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Mit Licht gegen Krebs

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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager