
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

Roche Diagnostics: Dr. Claudia Fleischer succeeds Claus Haberda as Managing Director

Dr. Claudia Fleis­cher will be­come the new Managing Dir­ect­or and Spokes­per­son of the Man­age­ment Board of Roche Dia­gnostics GmbH in…

Nasal vaccines: Lively discussion among experts in livestream

"Vac­cin­a­tion through the nose - do new hope­fuls bring sterile im­munity?" Jeanne Turczyn­ski, sci­ence ed­it­or, dis­cussed…

Start-ups show their biotech ideas in top form at the Munich Demo Day of the BioTech Bootcamp

Martin­sried, 25 Novem­ber 2022 - As part of this year's BioTech Boot­camp of BioM Bi­otech Cluster GmbH and the life sci­ence busi­ness…

25 million Euro Series B financing for Temedica

Temedica has closed an ad­di­tion­al 25 Euro mil­lion Ser­ies B fin­an­cing to ex­pand its Real-World Evid­ence eco­sys­tem, bring­ing its…

Apply for the Novartis Digital Health Prize by November 30!

No­vartis wählt in Deutsch­land jedes Jahr spannende E-Health-Pro­jekte aus, die das Poten­tial haben, die Zukun­ft der Med­iz­in…

Young researchers in Bavaria: Bavaria leads Germany with 16 ERC Starting Grants

Bav­aria's young re­search­ers are top in Ger­many: 16 of the 81 ERC Start­ing Grants 2022 for Ger­many go to young re­search­ers in…

Another 50 million euros for CatalYm's anti-tumor antibody visugromab

Martin­sried, Ger­many-based CatalYm has suc­cess­fully closed a Ser­ies C fin­an­cing of 50 mil­lion euros. This will be used to ad­vance…

OCT DACH Conference 2022 - Outsourcing in Clinical Trials

This is the un­miss­able event that the phar­ma­ceut­ic­al, bi­o­tech­no­logy, and med­ic­al device com­munit­ies need to come to­geth­er…

UNIGE and LMU team develops a new transport nanoparticle to act at the heart of cells

How can a drug be de­livered ex­actly where it is needed, while lim­it­ing the risk of side ef­fects? A team from the University of Geneva…

Deep disappointment with MorphoSys' and Roche's Alzheimer's drug Gentenerumab

The study res­ults an­nounced today for the Alzheimer's drug Gantener­u­mab from MorphoSys's li­cense part­ner Roche caused a drop in the…




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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager