
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

Bavarian Nordic Receives USD 120 Million Contract for the Manufacturing of Smallpox and Mpox Vaccine from U.S. Government

Ger­man-Dan­ish vac­cine man­u­fac­turer Bav­ari­an Nord­ic A/S re­ceived a new order val­ued at USD 120 mil­lion by the U.S. Biomed­ic­al…

Experts from healthcare industry contribute to the unique start-up training program “BioTech Bootcamp”

Ap­plic­a­tion open until August 6 BioM and SmiLe In­cub­at­or just an­nounced that their this year’s “BioTech Boot­camp” will provide…

Numares Health: FDA clears cardiovascular diagnostic test and core technology platform

The US Food and Drug Ad­min­is­tra­tion has cleared a Nu­mares Health test, the AXINON® LDL-p Test Sys­tem, as a new tool phys­i­cians can…

Ground-breaking ceremony for 63 million euro CITABLE research building at Erlangen University Hospital

The new re­search build­ing of the Ger­man Center for Im­mun­o­ther­apy (DZI) is being con­struc­ted between the Trans­la­tion­al Re­search…

Get the BioM 20% discount for the "Festival of Biologics 2023" in Basel

The Festiv­al of Bi­olo­gics is Europe's Largest Bi­olo­gics Event and ad­dresses the top­ics dis­cov­ery, de­vel­op­ment,…

AATec Medical develops alpha-1 antitrypsin therapy with €2.7 million seed funding

AATec Med­ic­al GmbH, a Mu­nich-based bi­o­tech­no­logy com­pany has star­ted its op­er­a­tion­al activ­it­ies and is de­vel­op­ing a…

WildDISCO: Researchers from LMU and Helmholtz Munich develop revolutionary imaging of entire bodies

A Team of Lud­wig-Max­imili­ans-Universität, the LMU Hos­pit­al and Helm­holtz Mu­nich re­search­ers de­veloped a new meth­od called…

Opening of the Helmholtz Pioneer Campus: perfect conditions for creative talents

With about 200 guests and high-rank­ing rep­res­ent­at­ives from polit­ics and sci­ence, Helm­holtz Mu­nich opened its Pion­eer Cam­pus…

Join the Merck on Tour 2023 at BioM on the 18th of July!

We bring Merck's ex­pert­ise to your door, with  a mo­bile booth. Dis­cuss with our ex­perts on bi­o­tech­no­logy chal­lenges, sup­ply…

Biotech Bootcamp by BioM and SmiLe – From Lab to Business – Apply now!

Do you want to de­vel­op and com­mer­cial­ize your bi­otech busi­ness idea? To­geth­er with SmiLe, one of the lead­ing life sci­ence…




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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager