
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

3 Munich Biotech companies raise €100 mio in 5 days

€ 100 mil­lion cap­it­al in­crease in just 5 work­ing days - what's going on in the Mu­nich Bi­otech Cluster?

Medigene AG secures over EUR 46mn from capital increase to finance its cancer immunotherapy programmes

Medi­gene AG (MDG1, Frank­furt, Prime Stand­ard) com­pleted the cap­it­al in­crease an­nounced on 12 June 2015 for the fund­ing of its…

40 million euros for new protein research centre for Functional Protein Assemblies (CPA) in Munich

Close-knit in­ter­play of the vari­ous sci­entif­ic dis­cip­lines and en­gin­eer­ing ser­vices, as well as the planned trans­fer of…

Munich´s SIRION Biotech Plans Opening of a New Office in the Boston Area

SIRION Bi­otech, a lead­ing viral vec­tor plat­form com­pany known for cre­at­ing high qual­ity viral vec­tor solu­tions for in­dustry and…

Meet Bavarian Biotech expertise at BIO USA in Philadelphia

Bav­aria wel­comes you at the Ger­man Pavil­lion!

Meet Bavarian Biotech at BIO USA in Philadelphia

Morphosys, Cori­ol­is, Iris Bi­otech, Wack­er ... to name a few will ex­hib­it and can be found at the Bav­ari­an Corner in the Ger­man…

1st online course @m4 eAcademy

"Managing In­nov­a­tion, Port­fo­li­os and Pro­jects in the Life Sciences" start­ing July 1st

Update Gentechnikrecht

Auf­frischung­skurs für Betreiber, Pro­jektleit­er und Beau­ftragte für die Bi­olo­gis­che Sich­er­heit. Mit dem Sch­wer­punkt­thema: Rechte…

US Juno Therapeutics acquires German Stage Cell Therapeutics in an $80M biotech buyout

Sub­sid­ar­ies in Mu­nich and Göt­tin­gen (both Ger­many) will be fur­ther op­er­at­ing.

Dynamic Biosensors winner of German Innovation Award 2015

All good things come in threes.





Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Wie Com­puter durch Laser blitz­schnell wer­den und KI die En­er­giewende bee­in­flusst


Verband angestellter Akademiker und leitender Angestellter der chemischen Industrie e. V. (VAA – Führungskräfte Chemie)

Stim­mung in Chemie und Pharma weit­er­hin gedäm­pft


LIT - Leibniz-Institut für Immuntherapie

„S­prin­gende Gene“ un­ter­stützen Im­mun­zel­len im Gewebe


Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

Wenig Ver­trauen in Dr. ChatGPT

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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager