
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

Successful Japan workshop at BioM

Last week, nine European SMEs trav­elled to BioM in Martin­sried, to take part in an in­tens­ive 4-day Japan work­shop from 3-6 Septem­ber.…

Shanghai Ranking: TUM (Technical University Munich) yet again rated Germany's best technical university

TUM among world's top-50 uni­ver­sit­ies in new Shang­hai Rank­ing.

GNA Biosolutions wins AACC’s Disruptive Technology Award

On July 30, 2018, GNA Biosolu­tions was named the win­ner of the Amer­ic­an As­so­ci­ation of Clin­ic­al Chem­istry’s (AACC) first-ever…

…and the winner is: EIT Health Boot Camp finale at BioM

On July 24th, Ac­cel­er­a­tion Day of the EIT Health BioEn­tre­pren­eur BootCamp with award ce­re­mony took place at BioM in Mu­nich.…

The “Ois Easy“ Start-up Package* brings you to Germany

*Bav­ari­an for a care­free busi­ness land­ing. The Pack­age is ded­ic­ated to start-ups that want to open an en­tity / of­fice in Ger­many…

Successful kick-off at EIT Health BioEntrepreneur Bootcamp 2018

The 8-week EIT Health BioEn­tre­pren­eur Boot­camp star­ted suc­cess­fully at BioM on 6 June with ten start-up teams from all over Europe.

Cambridge and LMU strengthen cooperation

Die Universität Cam­bridge und die LMU München haben ein Memor­andum of Under­stand­ing un­terzeich­net, um die Zusammen­arbeit in Lehre und…

Even more millions for Medigene

Medi­gene schafft mit einer rasanten, überzeich­neten Kap­italer­höhung in­ner­halb weni­ger Stun­den die Ein­wer­bung von über 30 Mio.…

Join the European Health Catapult 2018!

Boost your busi­ness idea in bi­otech, medtech and di­git­al health and join the European Health Cata­pult 2018!

Apply now for BioFIT - BioM offers 25% discount

Apply now and get 25% dis­count for the BioFIT – Life Sciences, pharma and bi­otech, 4th & 5th Decem­ber 2018 in Lille (France), or­gan­ized…




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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager