
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

Bavaria invests 500 million euros in Max Planck Campus in Martinsried

The Max Planck So­ci­ety (MPG) plans to fur­ther de­vel­op the cam­pus in Martin­sried into a flag­ship for life sci­ences bey­ond Ger­many…

Garching-based ITM closes EUR 90 million financing round

ITM AG, a ra­dio­phar­ma­ceut­ic­al bi­otech com­pany based in Garch­ing near Mu­nich, has closed a fin­an­cing round total­ing EUR 90…

BioM takes gold again

BioM Bi­otech Cluster Devel­op­ment GmbH has been awar­ded the Gold Label of the European Cluster Ex­cel­lence Ini­ti­at­ive (ECEI) for the…

Ready to expand your business in Asia?

Are you a Ger­man start-up and want to open up new mar­kets in Asia? Ger­man Ac­cel­er­at­or's mar­ket ex­plor­a­tion pro­gram sup­ports…

Oral vaccination against COVID-19?

A team of re­search­ers at the University of Würzburg is test­ing a novel ap­proach for a vac­cine against the coronavir­us - to swal­low.…

Annual DigiMed Bayern Symposium:
Translational Medicine in the Digital Era

Nearly 300 par­ti­cipants met di­git­ally for this year’s Di­giMed Bay­ern Sym­posi­um "Trans­la­tion­al Medi­cine in the Di­git­al Era" on…

NanoTemper and PharmAI: together faster to new drugs

Nan­oTem­per Tech­no­lo­gies and PharmAI col­lab­or­ate to find suit­able drug can­did­ates by screen­ing huge amounts of data. Find­ing…

TU Munich best university in the EU - further top places for Bavaria's universities

In the cur­rent QS World University Rank­ing 2021, Bav­ari­an uni­ver­sit­ies have con­firmed their good repu­ta­tion in the…

Mikrogen acquires Lophius Biosciences

The dia­gnostics com­pany Mik­rogen GmbH from Neur­ied has ac­quired Lophi­us Bios­ciences GmbH from BioPark Re­gens­burg to enter the…

EU Commission against SARS-CoV-2 variants: HERA Incubator

The European Com­mis­sion has presen­ted a new European bio-de­fence pre­pared­ness plan for COVID-19 vari­ants, the HERA In­cub­at­or. This…