
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

m4 Award winner Mallia Therapeutics raises seed funding for novel treatment for hair loss.

Mal­lia Thera­peut­ics GmbH, a bio­phar­ma­ceut­ic­al com­pany based in Er­lan­gen, Ger­many, an­nounced today that the newly formed…

Available laboratory space in Munich

Are you look­ing for lab space? In the Mu­nich South­w­est area, there are cur­rently three avail­able rent­al prop­er­ties of­fer­ing a…

m4 Award winner Marcus Conrad from Helmholtz Munich discovers new approach in cancer therapy with ferroptose

A team of re­search­ers led by the win­ner of the pre-seed com­pet­i­tion m4 Award in 2017, Dr. Mar­cus Con­rad of Helm­holtz Mu­nich, has…

New building of the Helmholtz Institute HIRI for RNA-based Infection Research in Würzburg

With nu­mer­ous sup­port­ers, co­oper­a­tion part­ners and com­pan­ions, the Helm­holtz In­sti­tute for RNA-based In­fec­tion Re­search…

Experience Greater Bay Area - delegation to Huangpu District (Guangzhou)

After more than three long years, the first del­eg­a­tion from Europe to Huang­pu Dis­trict (Guang­zhou) is or­gan­ized again. Dis­cov­er…

Sedivention wins Science4Life Venture Cup with therapeutic approach against obesity

New treat­ments in can­cer ther­apy, the world's thin­nest en­do­scopes and soft­ware for the en­ergy of the fu­ture - the win­ners of the…

QS World University Rankings: TUM again ranked first in Germany

In the renowned QS World University Rank­ing, the Tech­nic­al University of Mu­nich (TUM) and the Lud­wig Max­imili­an University of Mu­nich…

Bavarian biotechnology maintains its position in the crisis and continues to grow -
BioM publishes report Biotech in Bavaria 2022/23

Die ak­tuel­len Bi­otech-Zah­len sowie Entwicklun­gen und Er­folge der bay­erischen Bi­o­tech­no­lo­gieszene.

Aenova opens new drug production building in Regensburg for 25 million euros

The Aen­ova Group has opened a new pro­duc­tion build­ing at its Re­gens­burg site for 25 mil­lion euros for the man­u­fac­ture of highly…

Patrick Cramer takes over as Max Planck President

It had been an­nounced for a long time - now it is of­fi­cial: At the Max Planck So­ci­ety's An­nu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing in Göt­tin­gen, the…




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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager