
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

BioPark Regensburg reports positive results

In the cur­rent an­nu­al re­port, BioPark Re­gens­burg shows a con­tin­ued slightly in­creas­ing num­ber of life sci­ence com­pan­ies and a…

BioVaria 2023 in Munich: Application deadline for Startup Pitch & Partner until February 15

BioVaria on April 24-25 in Mu­nich will bring to­geth­er Europe‘s lead­ing tech trans­fer pro­fes­sion­als, in­nov­at­ors from aca­demia and…

Ernst-Ludwig Winnacker Award 2022 for successful science dialogue goes to Antje Boetius

Prof. Antje Bo­e­t­ius, Dir­ect­or of the Al­fred We­gen­er In­sti­tute (AWI) in Bre­mer­haven, is the win­ner of the Ernst-Lud­wig…

Helmholtz Munich Scientist Mohammad Lotfollahi wins Early Excellence in Science Award 2022

Every year, the Bayer Found­a­tion awards the Early Ex­cel­lence in Science Award. This year’s win­ner in the cat­egory “Data Science in the…

Max Planck Director Brenda Schulman awarded with prestigious 2023 Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine

The 2023 Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medi­cine will be awar­ded jointly to Brenda Schul­man, Dir­ect­or at the Max Planck In­sti­tute (MPI) of…

A call for large scale analysis of omics data for drug-target finding in neurodegenerative diseases

The EU Joint Pro­gramme – Neuro­de­gen­er­at­ive Disease Re­search (JPND) ini­ti­at­ive launched a transna­tion­al call for large scale…

MedtecLIVE with T4M 2023 brings medical technology together

At MedtecLIVE with T4M, which will be held in Nurem­berg from May 23-25, 2023, product de­velopers and buy­ers from dis­trib­ut­ors and…

Lara Urban of Helmholtz Munich is academics’ Young Scientist of the Year 2022

Helm­holtz Mu­nich sci­ent­ist Lara Urban has been se­lec­ted by aca­dem­ics as the Young Scient­ist of the Year 2022. The aca­dem­ics Young…

BIO Korea 2023 with Bavarian joint booth

After a long Corona ab­sence, BIO Korea 2023 will again be held in Seoul, South Korea, from May 10-12, 2023, a major trade show along­side…

LMU University Hospital Munich relies on deepc's AI platform in radiology

LMU University Hos­pit­al Mu­nich se­lects Mu­nich-based start-up deepc as AI plat­form part­ner to sup­port ra­di­olo­gic­al dia­gnostics.…




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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager