
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

Ebenbuild and consortium receive 1.8 million euros in funding from the BMBF for its digital lung twin

As part of the re­search pro­ject "Per­son­al­ized Lung Twins for the Treat­ment of Acute Res­pir­at­ory Dis­tress Syn­drome" (UBIC), the…

MorphoSys with positive phase 3 study results in myelofibrosis

MorphoSys AG, Planegg, Ger­many, an­nounced com­pel­ling res­ults from the Phase 3 MANIFEST-2 study eval­u­at­ing pe­labres­ib, a BET…

Martinsried-based Insempra wins 1.5 million euros in SPRIND competition with circular biomanufacturing concept

In­sem­pra, a Martin­sried-based bio­logy-powered com­pany en­abling busi­nesses to make su­per­i­or products with nature, has been…

BioM presents Bavarian biotech companies and their innovative solutions at BIO-Europe in Munich

Als Local-Host der wichtig­sten Bi­otech-Part­ner­ing-Messe in Europa freute sich BioM, heraus­ra­gende Entwicklun­gen von über 30…

Martinsried-based EpiQMAx acquired by Berlin-based MoleQlar

After the Martin­sried-based start-up EpiQMAx had to file for in­solv­ency in the third quarter of this year, the epi­gen­et­ics…

2.5 million euros for five research teams from Bavaria: Start-up competition m4 Award announces winners

2.5 mil­lion euros fund­ing for in­nov­at­ive pro­jects in bio­medi­cine.The re­search pro­jects ad­dress the top­ics: He­pat­it­is-B,…

QuantumDiamonds and Bonescreen win Bavarian Start?Zuschuss! funding

Quan­tumDia­monds con­vinced with its dia­mond-based sensors for vari­ous ap­plic­a­tions, Bon­escreen with its non-in­vas­ive med­ic­al…

Project funding by the Bavarian-Californian Technology Center - Deadline for project proposals, including the high-tech area of life sciences: 15 October 2023

Also: “vis­it­ing schol­ar­ships ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence” (vsai) and spe­cial con­di­tions for AI-pro­pos­als (Hightech Agenda…

DxPx EU Conference in Munich: Get the BioM 50% discount

For the first time, DxPx EU Con­fer­ence is hos­ted in Mu­nich, Ger­many – Octo­ber 5th for a one day onsite event of ef­fect­ive…

Book your BIO-Europe pre-events now! Registration is open for the "Cluster-Tour to the Biotech Hub in Martinsried" and "Brainlab HQ Tour"

The busi­ness part­ner­ing con­fer­ence BIO-Europe 2023 will take place from Novem­ber 6 to 8, 2023 at the Mu­nich Ex­hib­i­tion Center. …





vfa bio Biotechnologie im Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller e.V.

Phar­main­dus­trie warnt vor Fach­kräfte­m­an­gel: Jede vierte Stelle muss neu be­set­zt wer­den

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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager