
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

m4 Award winner Tubulis on the road to success: 128 million euros in Series B2 funding for the fight against solid tumors

The Mu­nich Bi­otech-Star­tup and m4 Award win­ner Tubulis, loc­ated in Planegg/Martin­sried closes an up­sized EUR 128 mil­lion Ser­ies B2…

ITOC in Munich: 10th Immunotherapy of Cancer Conference

The Im­mun­o­ther­apy of Can­cer Con­fer­ence (ITOC) is a European meet­ing provid­ing a glob­al plat­form for trans­la­tion­al re­search in…

FGK Clinical Research GmbH Acquires Clinicology Ltd., Expanding Territorial Footprint in Europe

FGK Clin­ic­al Re­search GmbH, a European-based full-ser­vice pro­vider of clin­ic­al re­search ser­vices, is thrilled to an­nounce the…

Start-ups Seeking Capital Founders pitch to investors at BioM BioAngels Pitch Day

Eight pre-se­lec­ted start-ups from medi­cine and life sci­ences pitched their busi­ness ideas at the 13th BioAn­gels Pitch Day hos­ted by…

deepc acquires Osimis Platform to strengthen AI infrastructure for large-scale radiology

Mu­nich-based ra­di­ology AI com­pany deepc an­nounces the ac­quis­i­tion of Bel­gi­um-based Osimis Plat­form, a lead­ing soft­ware…

A new era for medicine and health: TUM School of Medicine and Health opened

As part of its TUM AGENDA 2030, fun­ded by the Ex­cel­lence Strategy of the Feder­al Govern­ment and the Länder, the Tech­nic­al University…

Apply for the 7th batch of the 4C Accelerator by January 19!

You have an in­nov­at­ive product idea in the MedTech sec­tor? You want to de­vel­op a prom­ising busi­ness model and learn how to over­come…

Nine medical innovations with disruptive potential: Start-ups presented their ideas at the “Munich Demo Day” of the BioTech Bootcamp of BioM and SmiLe

As part of this year's BioTech Boot­camp of BioM Bi­otech Cluster Devel­op­ment GmbH and the life sci­ence busi­ness in­cub­at­or „SmiLe…

Better use of health data: DigiMed Bayern flagship project launches its "Secure Cloud" at symposium on data-driven medicine

On Decem­ber 5, the Di­giMed Bay­ern Sym­posi­um took place at the TranslaTUM of the Tech­nic­al University of Mu­nich. Under the head­line…




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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager