
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

Made in Munich: Amgen heading for "Bite" approval

The Amer­ic­an bi­otech giant Amgen has sub­mit­ted an ap­plic­a­tion to the im­mun­omolecule blinatumomab, a bis­pe­cif­ic an­ti­body…

NIH/DOD Non-Dilutive Funding Opportunities

The sem­in­ar on Decem­ber 4th in­forms about fund­ing op­por­tun­it­ies in the US. Cur­rently, the Na­tion­al In­sti­tutes of Health (NIH)…

IDBS Munich Best Practices R&D Forum

The forum on Novem­ber 20th has the un­der­title "From end­less paper to high pro­ductiv­ity". R&D is a highly volat­ile, dy­nam­ic and…

4th Munich Biomarker Conference - early bird discount

Until Octo­ber 10th, the 4th Mu­nich Bio­mark­er Con­fer­ence on Novem­ber 25th-26th, 2014 of­fers you an at­tract­ive early bird dis­count…

New publication: European Biotechnology

"Horn Pub­lish­ing" has launched a book some days ago in 2014 pro­fil­ing the med­ic­al bi­o­tech­no­logy in­dustry through­out Europe. This…

New radiopharmaceutic Center - Munich Großhadern Clinic in construction

Con­struc­tion com­plete: the new Centre for Ra­dio­phar­macy - From dia­gnostics to ther­anostics. The quiet in­tro­duc­tion of…

4th Munich Biomarker Conference - Program

Now the pro­gram is avail­able for the European Net­work­ing Event for Per­son­al­ized Medi­cine tak­ing place in Mu­nich, on Novem­ber 25th

Nanotemper among the finalists of the “Deutscher Gründerpreis”

The fi­nal­ists 2014 have been an­nounced in the cat­egor­ies start-up and new­comer

STEP Award recognizes innovative growth companies

Dead­line for ap­plic­a­tion is July 31st, 2014

Discounts for biotech conferences

10-25% dis­count for many rel­ev­ant events





Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Wie Com­puter durch Laser blitz­schnell wer­den und KI die En­er­giewende bee­in­flusst


Verband angestellter Akademiker und leitender Angestellter der chemischen Industrie e. V. (VAA – Führungskräfte Chemie)

Stim­mung in Chemie und Pharma weit­er­hin gedäm­pft


LIT - Leibniz-Institut für Immuntherapie

„S­prin­gende Gene“ un­ter­stützen Im­mun­zel­len im Gewebe


Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

Wenig Ver­trauen in Dr. ChatGPT

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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager