
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

USD 60 million equity for Immunic

The com­pany Im­mu­nic, fo­cused on the treat­ment of chron­ic in­flam­mat­ory and autoim­mune dis­eases, has an­nounced the clos­ing of a…

IRUBIS completes €2.8 million seed funding for real-time measurement of bioprocesses

Bi­otech star­tup Iru­bis has closed a €2.8 mil­lion seed fund­ing round. The com­pany aims to auto­mate pro­cess de­vel­op­ment and…

Andera Partners: 456 million euros for its largest life sciences fund

Andera Life Sciences has an­nounced the clos­ing of the €456 mil­lion fin­an­cing round of its BioDis­cov­ery-6 fund. With the now sixth…

Digitization in medicine: leveraging enormous potential
DigiMed Bayern Symposium outlines the path to a "medicine of the future"

Mu­nich-based BioM Bi­otech Cluster Devel­op­ment GmbH and the Deutsches Herzzen­trum München hos­ted the an­nu­al Di­giMed Bay­ern…

Munich-based Lumatix Biotech wins BioRiver Boost! Competition

The start-up Lu­matix Bi­otech wins the BioRiver Boost! With its light-con­trolled an­ti­body puri­fic­a­tion, the start-up com­pany from…

Prof. Ralf Huss appointed as new managing director of BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH

Prof. Dr. Ralf Huss will be­come the new man­aging dir­ect­or of BioM Bi­otech Cluster Devel­op­ment GmbH, ef­fect­ive of Janu­ary 1st,…

Call for proposals "Asahi Kasei Pharma Open Innovation 2023"

Asahi Kasei Pharma is pub­licly call­ing for new pro­pos­als re­lated to drug dis­cov­ery re­search as part of its ef­forts for open…

deepc supports emergency care at the Munich Oktoberfest 2022 with artificial intelligence

Mu­nich-based start-up deepc and LMU Klinikum München are sup­ply­ing ra­di­ology AI for use in first aid at the world's largest folk…

Brainlab AG nominated for German Future Prize with high-precision radiation therapy for cancer

Ste­fan Vils­mei­er and Claus Promber­ger from Brain­lab, a lead­ing pro­vider in the field of di­git­al med­ic­al tech­no­logy, and Prof.…

Dermagnostix: new capital for better diagnosis of psoriasis and eczema

Der­magnostix, based in Fried­berg and Freiburg, Ger­many, has suc­cess­fully closed its EUR 4.6 mil­lion seed-plus fin­an­cing round. The …