
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

leon-nanodrugs secures financing to expand its portfolio

The Martin­sried-based com­pany leon-nan­od­rugs, which spe­cial­izes in nano-en­cap­su­la­tion sys­tems, has com­pleted a Ser­ies D…

LMU researcher receives million-euro funding for new approaches against acute myeloid leukemia

Prof. Irmela Jeremi­as from the Dr. von Hau­ner Chil­dren's Hos­pit­al at LMU Mu­nich has re­ceived a Rein­hart Kosel­leck grant of 1.25…

Biotech Summit Austria 2024: Connect with industry and partners in Innsbruck! Save your 20% BioM discount!

For its second edi­tion, the BIOTECH SUMMIT AUSTRIA fea­tures again an en­rich­ing face-to-face ex­per­i­ence, and we're thrilled to be part…

BIO-Europe 2024: Early bird rate expires on 26 July! Get the 15% BioM discount. Register now!

This fall, BIO-Europe re­turns for an en­rich­ing face-to-face ex­per­i­ence, and we're thrilled to be part of it! Join BioM from 4 - 6…

Record financing in Martinsried: CatalYm secures 150 million US dollars for breakthrough in cancer treatment

CatalYm has closed a USD 150 mil­lion Ser­ies D fin­an­cing round to ad­vance the fur­ther de­vel­op­ment of its Visu­gromab an­ti­body. The…

SciRhom secures EUR 63 million in Series A financing round for antibody therapy against autoimmune diseases

Martin­sried-based start-up SciRhom has raised €63 mil­lion in a Ser­ies A fin­an­cing round to ad­vance its iRhom2-tar­geted an­ti­body…

Electrochaea GmbH is strategic Partner in Canadian 3rd generation renewable natural gas production

Elec­tro­chaea GmbH from Planegg/München will be in­volved in feas­ib­il­ity study of a pro­ject aimed at pro­du­cing 3rd gen­er­a­tion…

Bavaria shows the great potential of AI and data in medicine: High potential for Germany's health

Bi­o­tech­no­logy con­fer­ence "BayOCon­nect" in Mu­nich unites play­ers from all areas of Bav­ari­an and in­ter­na­tion­al…

Apply for the 8th batch of the 4C Accelerator by July 19!

You have an in­nov­at­ive product idea in the MedTech sec­tor? You want to de­vel­op a prom­ising busi­ness model and learn how to…

BioM publishes report „Biotech in Bavaria 2023/24“: Bavarian biotechnology grows and achieves record financing

Auf der dies­jährigen BayOCon­nect-Kon­fer­enz präsen­tierte BioM den ak­tuel­len Jahresre­port "Bi­otech in Bav­aria 2023/24 –…





vfa bio Biotechnologie im Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller e.V.

Phar­main­dus­trie warnt vor Fach­kräfte­m­an­gel: Jede vierte Stelle muss neu be­set­zt wer­den

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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager