
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

BIO International Convention 2023 in Boston/USA: only a few spaces available on the German pavilion!

In the sum­mer of 2023, the BIO In­ter­na­tion­al Con­ven­tion will again be held as an on-site event in Bo­ston, USA, from June 5 to 8,…

NOW OPEN: Application period for collaboration proposals "Asahi Kasei Pharma Open Innovation 2023"

Asahi Kasei Pharma is pub­licly call­ing for new pro­pos­als re­lated to drug dis­cov­ery re­search as part of its ef­forts for open…

adivo receives limited market authorization status from European Medicines Agency (EMA) for lead oncology program

adivo GmbH, a Martin­sried-based com­pany fo­cussed on dis­cov­er­ing spe­cies-spe­cif­ic thera­peut­ic an­ti­bod­ies for pets, today…

New X-ray technology can improve COVID-19 diagnosis: Patient study demonstrates benefits of dark-field X-ray technology

A re­search team at the Tech­nic­al University of Mu­nich (TUM) has, for the first time, pro­duced dark-field X-ray im­ages of pa­tients…

Martinsried gets start-up incubator Munich Accelerator Life Sciences & Medicine (MAxL): Ministry of Economic Affairs funds infrastructure project led by BioM with 8.5 million euros

The Bav­ari­an Min­istry of Eco­nom­ic Af­fairs is fund­ing the form­a­tion of the Mu­nich Ac­cel­er­at­or Life Sciences & Medi­cine (MAxL)…

Karsten Borgwardt becomes director at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry

Com­pu­ta­tion­al bio­lo­gist Karsten Borgwardt be­comes a Dir­ect­or at the Max-Planck In­sti­tute of Bio­chem­istry, where he will head…

BioM Dinner - Prof. Domdey hands over management to Prof. Huss. Review of 25 years of BioM and visions for the future

At the tra­di­tion­al BioM end-of-year din­ner, this time host Prof. Horst Dom­dey looked back not only on an event­ful year for the…

European Innovation Council funds Dermagnostix with 2.5 million euros

The joint spin-off of Hahn-Schick­ard, Helm­holtz Mu­nich and TU Mu­nich, Der­magnostix GmbH, was one of 30 com­pan­ies to qual­i­fy for a…

Founders looking for capital at the BioM-BioAngels Pitch Day: Eight life science start-ups present solutions to investors

At BioM's 12th BioAn­gels Pitch Day on Decem­ber 6, prom­ising start-ups again met po­ten­tial in­vestors. Eight se­lec­ted start-up teams…

Roche Diagnostics: Dr. Claudia Fleischer succeeds Claus Haberda as Managing Director

Dr. Claudia Fleis­cher will be­come the new Managing Dir­ect­or and Spokes­per­son of the Man­age­ment Board of Roche Dia­gnostics GmbH in…





Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie (StMWi)

Ai­wanger: "Bay­ern setzt auf eine mo­d­erne Wirtschaft, um den Wohl­stand für die Zukun­ft zu sich­ern"


vfa bio Biotechnologie im Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller e.V.

vfa fordert solide Fin­an­zier­ung der Kranken­kassen


Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Die Schup­pen­flechte im Vis­i­er

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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager