
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

Ebenbuild wins the digital health category at EIT Health Catapult 2022

Mu­nich-based health tech start-up Eben­build GmbH was crowned by EIT Health e.V. at the EIT Health Cata­pult com­pet­i­tion tak­ing place…

The only vaccine against monkeypox comes from Bavaria

Ger­man-Dan­ish vac­cine man­u­fac­turer Bav­ari­an Nord­ic A/S se­cured a vac­cine order from an un­dis­closed European coun­try…

Bits & Pretzels HealthTech Conference - Earlybird price with BioM

The first Bits & Pret­zels HealthTech will take place on June 29-30, 2022. The con­fer­ence we will bring to­geth­er over 1,000 founders,…

Exact Sciences acquires OmicEra Diagnostics

The Planegg-based dia­gnostics star­tup Om­icEra spe­cial­izes in large-scale pro­tein ana­lyses. Now it has been ac­quired for $15 mil­lion…

Call for Posters: Deadline for submission is extended until May 23, 2022!

Apply for your poster pitch at the 3rd FORUM Science & Health: Scient­ists from re­search in­sti­tutes and in­dustry are in­vited to present…

m4 Award winner Prof. Lickert receives ERC grant for diabetes research

Prof. Heiko Lick­ert from Helm­holtz Mu­nich and win­ner of last year's pre-seed com­pet­i­tion m4 Award, has been awar­ded the…

m4 Award winner Invitris wins USD 90,000 at Rice Business Plan Competition 2022

In­vit­ris, win­ner of last year's pre-seed com­pet­i­tion m4 Award, con­vinced at the renowned busi­ness plan com­pet­i­tion of Rice…

Peter and Traudl Engelhorn Foundation awards Research Prize

The Peter and Traudl En­gel­horn Found­a­tion has awar­ded its 2022 Re­search Prize. With this award, the found­a­tion again hon­ors…

BioM and Munich Biotech Cluster turn 25!

- 25 years BioM and Mu­nich Bi­otech Cluster - Enjoy this mile­stone with us and join us on our jour­ney through 25 years with…





Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Im­mun­zel­len stärken die Knochen


Deutsches Herzzentrum München des Freistaates Bayern - Klinik an der TU München

In Nieder­sach­sen star­tet Früherken­nung der Fa­miliären Hy­per­cho­les­ter­inämie bei Kindern von 5-14 Jahren

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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager