
Project funding BaCaTeC - NEW: Doubling to EUR 20,000!

The Bavaria California Technology Center (BaCaTeC) pro-motes the cooperation of research facilities in Bavaria and California in the high-tech areas of life sciences, information- and communication technologies, new materials, environmental technology and mechatronics. Preferred subject of sponsoring is the initial funding of new projects, especially those which support the exchange of scientists in reference to the projects.

Financial support may be granted to submitted projects that describe the initiation of lasting cooperation between Bavarian and Californian facilities and which will be supported by other institutions in the future.

The initial funding provided by BaCaTeC will mainly cover expenses for travel and accommodations. The general upper limit of financial support is (new!) EUR 20,000 per project.

A new program called „visiting scholarships artificial intelligence“ (vsai) supports the invitation of designated speakers from California. Maximum amount of application (vsai): EUR 3,000.

Application forms are available at The next deadline will be October 15th, 2024.

Applications are limited to two pages (DIN-A4). Sponsored projects will be selected by November. Start of activity, if granted: January 1st 2025.

Summer School 2025


At the same time, funding for a Summer School 2025 can be applied for - also by October 15:

  • Date: 5 to 10 working days between July and September 2025
  • Participants: ca. 20-30 Students and Students in PhD-programs from Bavaria and California

Application forms for the Wolfgang Hillen Summer School 2025 are available at

BaCaTeC covers travel and accommodation expenses of the speak-ers as well as stipends for students. Participating universities are ex-pected to share in expenses.

Summer School participants should come from Bavaria and from California. The idea of cooperation be-tween Bavaria and California is to be pointed out in the application.

Applications including topic, estimated expenses and schedule outline will be accepted by BaCaTeC until October 15th 2024 by e-mail, letter or fax. Criteria for the selection (by the end of November) are as follows:

  • Attractiveness of the topic
  • Internationality of the participants


